Proctored Exams
Proctored Exams
In online courses, supervised exams are offered with the purpose of maintaining Academic Integrity. This type of exam is supervised with the purpose of ensuring that the instructions given by the professor for said exam are complied with.
The new regulations of the Institution, the Federal Government and the Middle States Association (accrediting agency) require the Campus to ensure that the student admitted and enrolled completely online, is the one who participates in the Evaluation Criteria of the courses (exams, tests, forums, assignments, etc.). Once the student is admitted or re-admitted, it is a requirement that they comply with the authentication process. For more information about the authentication process, you can call (787) 891-0235 ext. 2724.
A proctored exam is an assessment criterion that requires the student to authenticate their identity prior to completing it. Because these exams are guarded, it helps to ensure the academic integrity of the teaching and learning process.
The accrediting agency MSCHE and the US Department of Education require student authentication through the Verification of Compliance with Accreditation-Relevant Federal Regulations.
What are the alternatives offered by the Aguadilla Campus to students who take supervised exams?
1. Virtual Proctor Systems:
- Respondus LockDown Browser with Monitor:
It is a virtual supervision tool for exams in remote , hybrid or completely online virtual courses . Respondus Monitor ensures the integrity of the academic process in student evaluations through individual recording with the use of a camera (Webcam) and a microphone. This tool is used in conjunction with the Respondus LockDown Browser browser blocker. Currently, Respondus Monitor is compatible with desktop computers, laptops (PC or Mac) and iPad.- Video Tutorial:
- Respondus LockDown Browser Manual >>
Download LockDown Browser
- Video Tutorial:
- Remote Proctor Now (RPNow):
- RPNow is convenient for the student since it allows flexibility in the schedule, place and time to take the supervised exams.
- The student has the alternative of using the Remote Proctor Now (RPN) Virtual Custodial System, which is designed so that the student can take the supervised exams from the comfort of their home using a Web Cam.
- This System uses strict quality measures, which ensures academic integrity through a Student Authentication Process, in addition to recording while taking the exam.
- The recording is reviewed by Certified Custodians who ensure that the student has complied with the instructions given by the professors, which defines and establishes the instructions that the student must follow for each exam.
- RPNow is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which is why it offers students the flexibility to take their supervised exams at their convenience within the days established by their professors.
- Learn more about Remote Proctor Now (RPNow):
- RPNow Use Policy
- Guide to using RPNow
Video Tutorial RPNow
- Check if your computer is ready to use RPNow (Test) >>
- PSI company technical support for RPNow:
Spanish : 1-844-644-8251 Spanish support hours are 8am-4pm ET (Monday-Friday)
English : 1-855-436-2039 24/7 (for students )
Live Chat >> - RPNow Support
2. Proctored Exams Services on Campus
Instructions for the student if taking the exam on campus:
- You must register before starting the exam.
- An official photo ID is required.
- The student must arrive at the center where the exam will be taken two hours before closing time. For example, if the closing time is at 7:00 p.m., you should not arrive later than 5:00 p.m.
- You should have the code and the course section of the exam you are taking on hand.
- The custodian will indicate the instructions given by the professor for said exam.
Distance Education and Internationalization Office – located on the first floor of the Student Center.
*Schedule to take the exam |
Modnay to Thursday |
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. |
Friday to Saturday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
*Subject to change.
3. Other premises of the Institution
The student who is outside the area of the Aguadilla Campus, will check the Directory of the Institution’s Custodians (PDF) to select the closest place to take the supervised exam.
You can obtain information about the process for handling supervised exams at the Campuses by visiting the Internet Portal of the Campus of interest. You can obtain information at this link: .
Active Military Students
Active soldiers stationed at military bases can use Virtual Custody Systems (Respondus/RPNow). They also have the alternative of attending the Educational Center located within their Military Base.
After the rigorous investigation is completed and the Custodial Service Request is approved, the custodian will receive the passwords and instructions for administering the exam. Please contact Online Education Office first for the Custodial Service Request.
Passwords will be sent to the Proctor at the military’s email address. Passwords will not be sent to addresses of postal companies such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
The student is responsible for communicating with the custodian to arrange the date and time to take the exam.
The custodian will be present while the student takes the exam and will supervise it in the Educational Center and not in another place. Under no circumstances will the password be given to the student.
Student Support
In this site you will be able to learn about our distance education program. You will have information about the use of the Blackboard Learn platform, its manuals, video-tutorials, frequently ask questions (FAQ’s), direct communication with technical support staff, among other services.
Authentication Process:
- Online student identification process.
Click Here for more Information
- Documents required for the authentication process:
Access to Email:
- To access Blackboard Learn or Inter Web, first you have access to your University-provided email address.
¿How to work with Blackboard Learn?
- Blackboard On Demand Tutorials
- Inter Aguadilla a Distancia Youtube Channel
- Questions and answers:
- Clarifying doubts about the modality of distance studies.
- Questions and answers:
Click Here to Access Inter Help
Student Complaints (Student Complaint System):
- To file a complaint or claim, you must complete the institutional form available through our Student Complaint System.
Click here for more information
Reasonable Accommodation:
- The Inter American University of Puerto Rico, in accordance with the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA- approved on July 26, 1990), ratifies the prohibition of discrimination against people with disabilities. The University affirms the commitment to offer equal opportunities at the academic level. With this in mind, the Reasonable Accommodation Information Guide for University Students has been created. It is the Inter American University’s policy not to discriminate on race, gender, handicap, national origin, social status, political or religious ideas. In order to provide equal services and opportunities to students with disabilities at each Campus, the University is responsible for:
- Guaranteed accessibility and integration of students with disabilities to courses, services, activities and facilities.
- Provide reasonable accommodation, when it is requested.
- Maintain confidentiality of students records with disabilities.
Click here for more information
Proctored Exams:
- The professors offer exams as a means of evaluation in the distance courses. On some occasions they may require the presence of a custodian to administer them. The Aguadilla Campus has different options where the student can take the supervised exams
Click Here for More Information
- Privacy Policy:
- The Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus respects and understands the importance of the privacy and security of its current or future students. All the information that is collected is provided voluntarily and will be used only by the Aguadilla Campus to communicate with its students for academic matters, operational and marketing purposes. Any person through the Internet who provide us with their telephone numbers, postal address, physical address or email address; may receive phone calls or emails regarding information, instructions, special promotions, new services, products or events. The Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus will not give, sell, rent or transfer any personal information of its users to third parties.
Academic Program Course Sequence:
- The Academic Program Course Sequence serve as a guide to complete the degree of the selected academic program.
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