Ciencias de la Salud

Depto. Ciencias de la Salud

Tecnología Radiológica con concentración en Mamografía y Angiografía (BS)


Tecnología Radiológica con concentración en Mamografía y Angiografía

El Bachillerato en Tecnología Radiológica con concentración en Mamografiía y Angiografía pretende preparar profesionales de la salud capaces de aplicar los conocimientos sobre los componentes del equipo de mamografía y angiografía en la identificación de la apariencia de las diversas patologías relacionadas con el área de estudio. Este profesional podrá realizar estudios radiológicos estructurados en las áreas de mamografía y angiografía que faciliten el análisis e interpretación de los resultados para que se efectúen diagnósticos a los pacientes con mayor grado de precisión. Además, demostrará una actitud de respeto hacia el paciente al observar el código de ética profesional y la Ley de Confiabilidad (HIPAA).

El egresado del Programa poseerá un alto sentido de humanismo, sensibilidad y compromiso con la profesión, perfil de características que pondrá de manifiesto mediante el trabajo efectivo con el equipo de salud que interviene en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades.

Más detalles del Programa Académico


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Ciencias Aplicadas en Ultrasonido Diagnóstico (AS)


El programa de Grado Asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas en Ultrasonido Diagnóstico desarrolla profesionales de la salud competentes en la preparación de imágenes de calidad que apoyen el diagnóstico y tratamiento de pacientes. Incluye una base de conocimientos científicos y fundamentados en conceptos y principios de ciencias naturales y destrezas de ultrasonido en las áreas de obstetricia, ginecología, abdominal y partes superficiales. A través de las experiencias clínicas, el programa desarrolla destrezas en el manejo de equipos especializados y tecnología altamente avanzada.

El egresado de este programa estará capacitado para trabajar en diversos escenarios clínicos como instituciones hospitalarias privadas, publicas, oficinas médicas, clínicas especializadas, compañías de equipo médico y otros. Se desempeñará como un tecnólogo de Ultrasonido Diagnóstico comprometido con las necesidades de los pacientes y poseerá un alto sentido de responsabilidad ético-legal, sustentado en valores y sensibilidad. Esta profesión requiere una licencia otorgada por la Junta Examinadora de Tecnólogos en Imágenes de Diagnóstico y Radioterapia de Puerto Rico luego de la aprobación satisfactoria de un examen de reválida.

Requisitos de Admisión

Todo estudiante que aspire a ser admitido al programa de Grado Asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas en Ultrasonido Diagnóstico deberá cumplir con los siguientes requisitos específicos:

  1. Ser admitido a la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Aguadilla.
  2. Radicar solicitud de admisión completada.
  3. Presentar transcripción oficial y actualizada de créditos de estudios recientes.
  4. Tener un promedio general de 2.50 o más.
  5. Deberá presentar:
  6. Dos (2) fotos 2 x 2
  7. Certificado de Salud
  8. Evidencia Vacunas Hepatitis B, Varicela e Influenza.
  9. Certificado Negativo de Antecedentes Penales


Objetivos del Programa de Ultrasonido Diagnóstico

  1. Capacitar profesionales en los conceptos de estructura y función de los órganos del cuerpo humano.
  2. Aplicar destrezas de pensamiento crítico y solución de problemas en su práctica como tecnólogos de ultrasonido diagnóstico.
  3. Desarrollar las competencias necesarias para realizar funciones y responsabilidades dentro de los estándares de práctica establecidos para los tecnólogos en ultrasonido.
  4. Fomentar los valores y atributos profesionales para que puedan ejercer con un alto nivel de conducta ético-legal con los pacientes y otros miembros del equipo interdisciplinario de la salud.
  5. Integrar a la practica la investigación y avances tecnológicos de manera que permitan un diagnóstico más seguro y asertivo.

Perfil de Competencias del Egresado

El Programa de Ultrasonido Diagnóstico está diseñado para desarrollar las destrezas que le permitan al estudiante estar preparado para trabajar en diversos escenarios como: hospitales generales y especializados, oficinas médicas, clínicas especializadas, centros de imágenes diagnósticas, instituciones educativas, compañías de equipo médico e industrias, entre otros.


  1. Reconocer las patologías más comunes y la terminología asociada.
  2. Demostrar los procedimientos que debe seguir durante un estudio de ultrasonido diagnóstico.
  3. Reconocer las leyes existentes que protegen los derechos, la privacidad y la confidencialidad del paciente.


  1. Utilizar las técnicas de ultrasonido establecidas para obtener el mejor estudio diagnóstico.
  2. Evaluar la calidad de las imágenes obtenidas según los estándares de la profesión de manera que el médico pueda utilizarlas en el proceso de diagnóstico.
  3. Manejar efectivamente los equipos de nueva tecnología en ultrasonido, con sus cuidados y mantenimientos requeridos.
  4. Redactar los informes de acuerdo al protocolo de calidad en ultrasonido.


  1.  Apreciar la importancia de observar las regulaciones de la profesión.
  2. Reconocer la importancia de la comunicación, respeto y empatía.
  3. Demostrar un comportamiento ético-legal en la realización de los estudios de ultrasonido diagnóstico.

Diseño Curricular

Distribución de los créditos

El requisito para este grado asociado es de veinticuatro (24) créditos en educación general y cuarenta y tres (43) créditos en concentración.

Requisitos generales – 24 créditos











Fundamentos del Álgebra




Tecnología de la Información y la Computación




Introducción a la Fe Cristiana








Cultura emprendedora


Proceso histórico del Puerto Rico Contemporáneo


Requisitos de Concentración – 43 créditos



Introducción a los Principios y Protocolos del Ultrasonido Diagnóstico




Anatomía y Fisiología en Ultrasonido




Cuidado del Paciente en Ultrasonido Diagnóstico




Física Básica en Ultrasonido




Física Intermedia en Ultrasonido




Procedimiento y Evaluación de Ultrasonido de Abdomen y Pelvis




Patología Abdominopélvica




Práctica en Ultrasonido I




Patología en Obstetricia y Ginecología




Práctica de Ultrasonido II




Procedimiento y Evaluación de Ultrasonido en Obstetricia y Ginecología




Procedimiento y Evaluación de Ultrasonido en Anatomía Superficial




Práctica en Ultrasonido III




Patología en Anatomía Superficial




Taller Integrador


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Acreditaciones / Accreditations


Los Programas de Grado Asociado y Bachillerato de Enfermería en la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico en el Recinto de Aguadilla ubicado en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico están acreditado por:

Comisión de Acreditación para la Educación en Enfermería (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400,
Atlanta GA, 30326

La decisión de acreditación más reciente tomada por la Junta de Comisionados de ACEN para el Programa de Grado Asociado de Enfermería es Acreditación Continua.

La decisión de acreditación más reciente tomada por la Junta de Comisionados de ACEN para el Programa Bachillerato en Enfermería es Acreditación Continua.

Vea la información pública divulgada por la ACEN con respecto a este programa en

  ACEN ®


Además, el Recinto de Aguadilla de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico está acreditada por el Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico y la Middle State Association.

cepr ®



The Associate and Baccalaureate Nursing Programs at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico at the Aguadilla Campus located in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico are accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400,
Atlanta GA, 30326

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Baccalaureate Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at



Aguadilla Campus of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico is accredited by the Education Council of Puerto Rico and by Middle State Association     

cepr ®


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Egresados Expresan… / Graduates share their experiences..

Our graduates express themselves…


Anaivis Uria Zamora

I graduated on the nursing program at lnteramerican University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus in 2016. It was a wonderful experience for me, and thank to their amazing program, I was able to pass the NCLEX test and achieved my dream to become a nurse.

The program provided all necessary courses and I did not need to take any additional classes to get accredited. Today I am a full time RN at University of Louisville Health Jewish Hospital.

I consider that the standard and priority of teaching was powerful, in addition the professionalism, knowledge and wisdom of the professors allowed me to develop critical thinking and provide a holistic care in my path as a nurse today.

I feel very grateful with nursing faculty as an individual, student and professional.

Anaivis Uria Zamora

UofL Health Jewish Hospital, Kentucky State lnter American University, Aguadilla Campus Class of 2016

Zulmary Cabán

My name is Zulmary Cabán, and I’m a nurse from Puerto Rico. Since I was a little girl, I knew that I would become a nurse just like my mom. I started my bachelor’s degree in August 2009 at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico. I was the vice-president of the Student Nursing Association, which was an excellent opportunity to apply the nursing care plan and assist in the community.

Inter American University’s Aguadilla Campus has excellent nurse educators, and they possess strong leadership, communication skills, and outstanding theoretical and clinical knowledge. I graduated in June 2013 and passed my Nursing License on my first attempt. I worked as an Infusion Nurse from 2013 to 2014, and then I started working at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla. It was nice to be back at the university, and this time I was working as a Nursing Laboratory Tech. It was a wonderful experience. In 2017, I took the NCLEX exam and passed it on my first attempt. In January 2018, I started working as a Nurse Care Manager for New York State. Besides, I was admitted to Capella University MSN Nursing Informatic Program. I got a scholarship and am currently taking eight credits online. It is lovely to see all the opportunities that I have had thanks to the unique nursing program of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla Campus. What I like about the university is that staff are accommodating and very concerned about their student’s education. They are creative, intelligent, competent, resilient, and fair.

Ingrid D. Cancela Patiño

As a graduate of Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus, I know firsthand the high quality of education provided to students. I appreciate not only the education I received, but also the values that Inter American University of PR instilled in me, like critical perspective on the world and a focus on patient care. I am also proud that the college has become a leader in sustainability and sought to involve students in decision-making. Inter American University of Puerto Rico has prepared me for the nursing world in ways I can’t even described. Thanks to the university I have acquired a lot of skills that have made me a better nurse. I graduated on June 2017, that same month I moved to Seattle, WA to start a new journey at the Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital at the Spinal Cord Injury. I am currently Charge Nurse for this unit, skills that I have learned from my years at the Inter American University thanks to the leadership the program has. I just finished my MSN in Informatics, the education I have received at Inter American helped me accomplished this goal in life. Professors at Inter American has taught me how to be successful not only as a staff nurse but as a leader. The education and the staff at Inter has permitted me to become a better nurse, a better teacher, a better human and a better leader.


Ingrid D. Cancela Patiño

Amed Gonzáelz

I am writing you today to give my testimony regarding my career after having graduated from the Inter American University of Puerto Rico in Aguadilla. I started nursing school in 2013 after having left the military as well as my wife. Both of us graduated at the top of our class in 2015 from the ADN and again in 2017 with the BSN, also at the top of the class with each one of us having a 3.93 GPA. I started working in the summer of 2015 after having passed the Puerto Rico Licensure Exam for nursing at a local ER. I was initially scared because my first job was in an ER where I was expected to respond to many kinds of emergencies and be able to take point in codes and lead the team in other occasions. This fear quickly disappeared as I was able to use the skills that I learned in both the classroom setting and the clinical rotations which had prepared me to be successful in my early nursing days. I continue to have a full-time job in the ER as well as taking the BSN classes as a full-time student. The classes were very flexible for people like me and enabled me to go to school on days, nights and weekends, depending on my work schedule. After about a year in the local ER, I went to work in a major hospital, Manati Medical Center as an ER RN which was much larger, challenging, and saw more complicated.
Because at the time there were not many BSN students in the ER, mostly ADN, I was given more responsibilities as the charge nurse on some nights as well as leading teams and I felt that the education that I was concurrently receiving was a big part of me being able to take on a larger role. At the end of 2016, I accepted a position in the Emergency Department at the San Juan VA Medical Center which is one of the most prestigious hospitals in Puerto Rico. I continued to use my skills learned in previous job while also continuing to do clinical rotations in the last few classes of the BSN. In the summer of 2017, right before graduation, I accepted a position at the Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina as an ICU Nurse. I left soon after the classes were finished and started my new job at the prison. Little did I know that this prison had an actual full-size hospital onsite and the nurses were able to rotate to many of the department every so often. I worked at the prison for 2 years and held many positions such as ICU RN, Oncology RN, OR RN, Dialysis RN, PICC Nurse, IV nurse, and Ambulatory Nurse. I then transferred from the Federal Prison to the local VA Hospital as a Surgical Intensive Care

Unit. At this time, my wife, also an Inter American RN, was already working at this VA since summer of 2017 as the PM Charge RN for a long-term care/hospice unit. In 2018, I accepted a transfer to the Alaska VA Healthcare System as the Assistant Chief of the Social and Behavioral Health Department in which I was supervising Nursing and non-nursing personnel as well and my wife because the Assistant Nurse manager for a 50 bed residential inpatient unit for homeless veterans and substance use. I recently was offered a position of Nurse Manager of this residential 50 bed unit after my wife had moved to a different department as the lead of one of the teams. I am currently finishing a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program and my wife will be starting an Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner program in the fall. I explained all my positions and success as well as shared some of the success that my wife has had as well not to praise ourselves but to show how well prepared, we were to take on the nursing world after graduating from such a great program. Both myself and my wife are currently Nurse Level 3 at the VA which is something that normally takes other nurse more than 10 years to achieve and we have done it in less than half of that time. Both of us are very happy and honored to have attended such an amazing program that has changed our lives in set us in a great path for a very successful future. Thank you for all you have done as the program director and to all the teachers that were part of our success. We will forever be in your debt.

Amed González

Cecilmarie Valentín

I am a graduate of the Nursing Program of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus. I have been working for 1 year and 4 months in the 4th South department in the telemetry unit at the Bellavista Hospital in Mayagüez. I also worked in the area of ​​Medicine and Intensive Care Unit at Hospital San Carlos in Moca.

The Aguadilla Campus Nursing Program is the most complete and competitive program that you will find throughout the Inter-American University. It is a program that has maintained a high percentage of revalidation passes at the island level. The program did not only challenge me intellectually, but also helped me develop personally. Likewise, it helped me develop the empathy and sensitivity with the patients that we need so much in our vocation.

From experience, I can say that it has the best team of professors, laboratory technicians, secretarial personnel and other personnel. I am very grateful to Dr. Olavarría, who strives to listen to her students and seek new learning opportunities for them. She served and still serves me as a great inspiration to achieve my personal and professional goals.

Selecting this institution for my professional goals was definitely the right choice.


Cecilmarie Valentín

Kathia M. Feliciano

I am pleased to be writing to you today as an ex-alumni to express my gratitude towards you and the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico – Aguadilla Campus faculty. The Nursing Program offered by the institution opened a world of possibilities into my professional success as a Registered Nurse.

After graduating top of my class in both my ADN in 2017 and BSN in 2019, not without effort and sacrifice I might say, I was awarded «The Florence Nightingale Medal” and received recognition by the CPEPR organization for performance, academic achievement, leadership, responsibility, service and humanism with patients. Yet this would have not been possible without the help and guidance of such excellent nurse educators and their outstanding theoretical and clinical knowledge, which they’ve passed on.

I moved to the US on July 2019 where I started to prepare for my NCLEX Examination. Thanks to all the tools, education and preparation given me through the program, I passed my boards in November 2019 and obtained my Nursing License. It is with great pride that I say today I work as a Registered Nurse with Integrity Health Services, a pediatric home care agency and have also been accepted in Blake Medical Hospital starting August 24th, 2020 in their Med-Surgical Unit.

I am forever grateful for all the opportunities offered and the interest for my future, growth and development as a healthcare provider always shown by each and every one of my professors. They are excellent, valuable professionals and the pillars of the science in nursing program, of course you included.


Kathia M. Feliciano, RN

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Nursing Program Assessment



At least 85% of nursing graduates will meet or exceed the national mean of Puerto Rico licensure board passing rate for all first – time test –takers during the same twelve-month period.

In the last five years, the Aguadilla campus has exceeded the national mean of Puerto Rico licensure board passing rate for all first – time test –takers with a 96%.

*statistical report


Program Completion rate 85% of students complete their degree in 150% or less of the number of credit hours required to complete the degree.

100 % of the student’s complete in less than 150% of the time.  Furthermore, in the last three years an average of 60% complete their degree in 2 years


Overall, 90% of Graduates, alumni and employers will indicate satisfaction with the AAS program of study as evidence by a rating of 3 (good) or 4 (excellent) on respective survey submitted.

Years Graduates

End of the program survey

Overall Alumni Satisfaction Employers survey*

(Employers survey every 5 years May 2022-2023)

2020-  2021 100% (N= 38) 100% (N= 21)  
2018 – 2019 100% (N = 17) 100% (N= 14)
2017 – 2018 100% (N =19) 98.6% (N=73)
  • Employers survey every 5 years.



Minimum of 65% of AAS graduate will be employed 18 -24 months’ post-graduation.

Percentage of graduate employed 18 -24 months’ post-graduation. (Alumni survey) 2016 – 17

Alumni response

N = 45


Alumni response

N = 73

2018- 2019

Sent to 18 Alumni

Alumni response

N = 14

2019- 2020

Alumni response

N = 8


Sent to 37 Alumni

Alumni response

N= 21

2 (4.4%) work full time in nursing, 1 (2.2%) work part-time. Employed in nursing 100%.

94% (42) are pursing BSN

2 (2%) AAS work full time in nursing and are not studying. Employed 100%

1 (1%) part time in nursing not studying.

3 (4%) work part-time in nursing and are pursing BSN at the same time.

70 (96%) are pursing BSN

2 (14.2%) work full time in nursing Employed 100%.

1 (7.1%) work part-time in nursing

11 (78.6%) students are pursing BSN

66.6% of alumni responding that  are working  in nursing. 73 % of alumni response are working fulltime in nursing.

0% work part- time in nursing

27% students are pursing BSN


85% of nursing students are satisfied (ranking 3 or more) with nursing program services.

Years Percent of Satisfaction
2020- 2021 93%
2019- 2020 100%
2018 – 2019 91%
2017 – 2018 98%
2016 -2017 100%


An average of 85% of students will agree that available physical facilities, material, supplies and equipment are appropriate to meet their learning outcomes by a rating of 3 (good) or 4 (excellent) on respective survey submitted.

   Percent of Satisfaction
Years material, supplies and equipment physical facilities
2020- 2021 100% 100%
2019 – 2020 96% 96%
2018 – 2019 78% 73%
2017-2018 97.5% 95%
2016 -2017 100% 100%



At least 85% of nursing graduates will meet or exceed the national mean of Puerto Rico licensure board passing rate for all first – time test –takers during the same twelve-month period.

In the last five years, Aguadilla campus has exceeded the national mean of Puerto Rico licensure board passing rate for all first – time test –takers with an average of 92 %.

*Statistical report


Program Completion rate 85% of students complete their degree in 150% or less of the number of credit hours required to complete the degree.

100% of the student’s complete in less than 150% of the time.  Furthermore, in the last two years an average of 48 % complete their degree in 4 years

*in process


Overall, 90% of Graduates, alumni and employers will indicate satisfaction with the BSN program of study as evidence by a rating of 3 (good) or 4 (excellent) on respective survey submitted.

Years Graduates

(End of the program survey)

Alumni Employers*

Employers survey every 5 years.

(2022- 2023)

2020- 2021 96% 100%  
2018 – 2019 96% 100%
2017 – 2018 100% 100% A total of 6 agencies evaluate the clinical performance of 30 alumni* with an overall of 91.6%.  Average per professional role fluctuates between 86.9 – 91.6%
2016 -2017 100%
  • Employers survey every 5 years.


Minimum of 65 % of BSN graduate will be employed 18 -24 months’ post-graduation.

Percentage of graduate employed 18 -24 months’ post-graduation. (Alumni survey) 2017-18

Alumni response = 23


Sent to 12 Alumni response = 9 (75%)

2019 – 2020

Alumni response = 17


2020 – 2021

Alumni Response = 13


87% (20) work full time in nursing

4% (1) work part-time in nursing

9% (2) Non nursing work

5 (55.6%) work full time in nursing

1 (11.1%) work part-time in nursing

3 (33%) Non-working in Nursing

76 % work full time and part time. 75% work full time


85% of nursing students are satisfied (ranking 3 or more) with nursing program services.

Years Percent
2020- 2021 100%
2019- 2020 91%
2018 – 19 100%
2017 – 18  85%
2016 -17 95%


An average of 85% of students will agree that available physical facilities, material, supplies and equipment are appropriate to meet their learning outcomes as by a rating of 3 (good) or 4 (excellent) on respective survey submitted.

Years Satisfaction with

material, supplies and equipment

physical facilities
2020- 2021 100% 100%
2019- 2020 92% 100%
2018 – 19 100% 100%
2017 – 18 86% 95.5%
2016 -17 95% 100%

April. /2020/ADH

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Técnico de Farmacia (A.A.S)

El Programa de Grado de Asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas en Técnico de Farmacia aspira a desarrollar un técnico con los conocimientos y destrezas necesarias que lo capaciten para desempeñarse eficiente y responsablemente como Técnico de Farmacia.


Su currículo está diseñado para ofrecer los conocimientos científicos y las habilidades técnicas necesarias para trabajar en una farmacia, manejar equipo tecnológico y cumplir con los estatutos que rigen la práctica de la profesión.

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Terapia del Habla y Lenguaje (B.S.)

El Programa de Bachillerato en Ciencias en Terapia del Habla y Lenguaje aspira a preparar profesionales competentes que puedan colaborar en atender las necesidades de niños y jóvenes con desórdenes de comunicación en Puerto Rico. El profesional egresado del Programa estará capacitado para ofrecer servicios terapéuticos a niños y jóvenes entre las edades de 0-21 años bajo la supervisión de una Patólogo del Habla y Lenguaje licenciado, según establecido en la Ley 77 que reglamenta el ejercicio de los profesionales de Terapia del Habla y Lenguaje, Patología del Habla y Lenguaje y Audiología en Puerto Rico. El egresado de este Programa estará capacitado para llevar a cabo tareas de cernimiento y prevención de desórdenes de comunicación.


  • Conocer los procedimientos e instrumentos de cernimiento de habla, lenguaje y audición utilizados con la población de 0-21 años.
  • Conocer las técnicas y estrategias para el tratamiento de los desórdenes de articulación, voz, fluidez y lenguaje, tanto hablado como escrito, en niños y jóvenes entre las edades de 0-21 años.


  • Diseñar actividades y materiales que se adapten a las necesidades y capacidades de los clientes a quienes ofrece sus servicios.
  • Documentar la ejecución del cliente de forma precisa, concisa, objetiva y cuantificable en cada intervención.
  • Utilizar la tecnología como herramienta para las intervenciones terapéuticas.
  • Seleccionar instrumentos de cernimiento de acuerdo con la población y problema de comunicación a cernir.
  • Interpretar e informar los resultados de los cernimientos en forma confiable.
  • Desarrollar actividades apropiadas para los objetivos del plan de intervención diseñado por el Patólogo del Habla y Lenguaje en forma lógica y organizada.
  • Planificar actividades creativas de seguimiento a los objetivos trabajados en terapia, a ser implantadas en los ambientes cotidianos del niño por cuidadores.
  • Aplicar métodos, técnicas y estrategias apropiadas de acuerdo con la condición, nivel de severidad y destrezas del cliente.
  • Desarrollar charlas y talleres educativos sobre la prevención de desórdenes de comunicación para clientes, familiares y la comunidad en general.


  • Manifestar la importancia de mantener relaciones interpersonales apropiadas con los niños a quienes ofrece sus servicios y sus familiares.
  • Demostrar sensibilidad hacia las necesidades y hacia los valores culturales del cliente y su familia.
  • Demostrar la importancia de manejar adecuadamente la conducta del cliente en sus intervenciones.
  • Respaldar sus intervenciones con las teorías y principios éticos de la profesión de Terapia del Habla y Lenguaje.

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