Requisitos de Divulgación

  Verificación de Cumplimiento

 Institutional Federal Compliance Report

1. Student Identity Verification in Distance and Correspondence Education


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. Policies and/or procedures used to ensure student identity verification in distance or correspondence education courses

Student and Faculty Authentication Procedure

Students Identity Policy and Procedure: 
Institutional Adoption Tools for Distance Education Authentication Policies

Weblink for Authentication Process:

Weblink for Academic Integrity and Proctor Test information:

Authorization to Carry Out Personal and Academic Procedures
Authorization Document.pdf

2. Policies and/or procedure(s) regarding the protection of privacy (i.e. FERPA) for students enrolled in distance and correspondence courses or programs, including password verification 

Student and Faculty Authentication Procedures

Protection of Privacy for Online Students

Weblink to University Policy Regarding Student and Alumni Directory (FERPA)

3. Procedure(s) for notifying students about any projected additional charges associated with student identity verification. Evidence should include URLs, catalogs, student handbooks, and other locations of any alternative institutional website documenting required disclosures

2022-2023 Tuition and Fees Bulletin

Student Consumer Manual

Weblink for Tuition and Fees:

General Information on Financial Aid

Aguadilla Weblink for Tuition and Fees:


2. Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. Policies and procedures for making decisions about the transfer of credits earned at other institutions (regardless of modality) including any types of institutions or sources from which credits are not accepted.  The policy or procedure must include a statement of the criteria established by ­­the institution regarding the transfer of credit earned at another institution of higher education. *Demonstrate public disclosure of policy by URL, catalog, or other public location


Undergraduate Transfer Credit Policies

Graduate Programs Transfer Credit Policy

Admission of Transfer Students:

Admission of Transfer Students

Technical Certificate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Provisional Admission:

Provisional Admission of Transfer Students

Provisional Admission of Transfer Students to Master’s Programs

Transfer of Credit Policy

Provisions Applicable to All Types of Transfers

Admission of Transfer Students to AVANCE

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and Bulletins

Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Technical Certificate Programs

Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Undergraduate Programs

Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Graduate Programs

2.  Demonstrate public disclosure of the list of institutions with which the institution has established an articulation agreement by URL and other public locations, if any

Not Applicable

3.  Policies and procedures for making decisions about credits awarded through the assessment of experiential learning, prior non-academic learning (including military service), competency-based education, direct assessment, and other alternative learning approaches. Demonstrate public disclosure of policy by URL, catalog, or other public location


General Catalog 2021-2022

University Credits through Advanced

Placement Testing

Validation of Learning Experiences

Institutional Guide: The Validation of Learning Experiences Through Portfolio


Criteria #2 – IAUPR Aguadilla Campus has not established an articulation agreement with other institutions.


3. Title IV Program Responsibilities


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance: 

1. The most recent three-year Official Cohort Default Rate. If applicable, submit reports on compliance from the USDE in regard to the cohort default rate, including any default reduction plans 

Official CDR Rate 2016-2019


2. Financial Responsibility Composite Scores for the three most recent fiscal years.   For clarity, this information may be presented as a table. (private and for-profit institutions only)   

Financial Responsibility Composite Scores Table

Financial Responsibility Composit Scores 2018-2019

Financial Responsibility Composite Scores 2019-20

Financial Responsibility Composite Scores 2020-21

3. Letter or notification confirming the institution’s status as a public institution from an appropriate official from a state or other governmental agency with the legal authority to make such a designation (public institutions only

Not Applicable

4. Final Program Review Determination Letter or Expedited Determination Letter and any major correspondence from the most recent program review since the institution’s last Verification of Compliance Review.  If a program review is in process or an audit is underway, provide major documentation that is available such as Notification for the Program Review or Preliminary Findings. The institution should provide status reports or documentation if it has requested an extension or filed an appeal 

Final Program Review Determination Closeout Letter 

5.  Single Audit (OMB-Circular A-128; OMB Circular A-133, 2 CFR 200 Subpart F; Uniform Guidance) on federal programs for the most recent three fiscal years available (non-Profit institutions only

Inter American University Single Audits for years 2019, 2020 and 2021:
Inter American University FS 2019 Single Audit

Inter American University FS 2020Single Audit

Inter American University FS 2021 Single Audit

6. Relevant correspondence from the USDE, since the institution’s last Verification of Compliance Review, such as any actions to limit, suspend, or terminate the institution’s eligibility to participate in title IV programs, including institutional response, if applicable 


 Not Applicable


Criteria #3 – IAUPR Aguadilla Campus is a non-for-profit organization, not a public institution.

Criteria #4 – IAUPR Aguadilla Campus has not received USDE correspondence to this regard.


4. Institutional Records of Student Complaints


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. Policy and/or procedures for student complaints. Include the URL and any other public location where these documents are made available to students and the public

General Students Regulation – Article 2 Section A-17 (pages 1-9)

How to file a complaint or claim

Submit a Request template

Weblink to file a complaint or claim

2. Public location of contact information that the institution provides enrolled and prospective students for filing complaints with the institution’s accreditor and with its state approval or licensing entity and any other relevant state official or agency that would appropriately handle a student’s complaint. Include the URL and any other public location, if any

Weblink to file a complaint or claim

Student Complaint Management


5. Required Information for Students and the Public


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. URLs, catalogs and student handbooks, and other public locations of any alternative institutional website documenting required disclosures of graduation, completion, licensure pass rate and other data required by Student Right to Know*, as well as policies on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), refund, withdrawal, leave of absence, and attendance

InterAmerican University Catalogs

Student Right to Know Webpage

General Student Regulations
General Student Regulations

Weblink for General Student Regulations handbook in Student Right to Know

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and Bulletins:

Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Technical Studies


Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Undergraduate Programs

Satisfactory Academic Progress Norms for Graduate Programs

Withdrawal Policies

Leave of Absence Normative Document
Standards for handling, evaluating and granting leave of absence requests for students

Attendance Policies

Consumer Handbook
Student Consumer Handbook 2022-2023

2. URLs, catalogs and student handbooks, and other public locations of any alternative institutional website documenting disclosure of program completion eligibility to meet State licensure requirements including States for which the curriculum meets and does not meet State eligibility requirements, and for which eligibility has not been determined

Weblink for State Licensure Requirements


3. Documents and URLs for clear and accurate information wherever accreditation is referenced available to current and prospective students that show the accreditation phase and accreditation status with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education as well as the contact information for the Commission

Weblink for IAUPR Aguadilla Campus Portal to MSCHE Accreditation Phase and Status


4. Provide an explanation for how the institution verifies that the posted student outcomes data are accurate

Verification of Student Outcomes data by External Sources

The accuracy of posted student outcome data as it relates to licensure pass rates are verified through an official letter of notification from the Board of Examiners for the respective health profession programs (i.e. nursing, pharmacy, radiology, psychology, speech and language therapy, etc…) following an initial written request by the  Department of Health Sciences Director for examination results. 

The accuracy of posted student outcome data for the Teacher Education Program (TEP) are verified by official test results from the College Board which are received after administration of the exam. This examination result data is then reported in the TEP Program’s Title II Report Card in compliance with the Federal Department of Education, Title II Office.

Accredited programs must inform student outcomes data to comply with mandates of the accrediting body and as such the accuracy of data is verified through compliance with accreditation requirements.


Verification of Student Outcomes Data by Internal Sources

The Banner system is the repository of IAUPR students’ demographic and academic information. In the academic units, different levels of access, restricted and supervised, are assigned to the collaborators who provide services to our students and who enter this information into the system. Each collaborator has a unique access code or password to the information systems in the databases, which is changed from time to time for greater security.  The information system contains technological programming tools, with the proper technological and information security features, which allow us to generate databases with different parameters, which are used to create the different statistical reports.  The creation of these statistical reports is achieved after a series of tests are carried out to verify that the students included in the report comply with the parameters that the report is intended to collect, to ensure that the published data are correct and updated.

After student outcome data is verified as described, the Development and Alumni Office is charged with the accurate disclosure of such data. The Office of Distance Education and Internationalization ensures the accurate posting of data.

*Many institutions create a single portal page on the institution’s web site that provides hyperlinks to disclosure information (Consumer Information Page, Student Right to Know, HEOA, Fast Facts, At A Glance, etc.).  This is the recommended approach as it facilitates the review by the Commission since it consolidates the information in one place and meets multiple accountability requirements at one time.

6. Standing with State and Other Accrediting Agencies


List of Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. Names of other accreditors, program(s) it accredits, and year of next review

All of the academic programs are accredited by the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico  Council of Education (CEPR).  In addition, the Campus maintains the following accreditations.

1. Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP), 10 BA in Education programs, 2022-2023

2. Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 1 AAS Nursing, 1 BSN Nursing programs, 2028

3. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), 1 BA in Social Work Program, Self-Study submitted in August 2022.

4. Puerto Rico Council of Education (CEPR), INTERTec license

The following documents detail the accreditor, programs it accredits, and year of next review.

Professional Accreditation Plan.pdf

Professional Accreditation Plan Summary 2020-21 to 2024-25.pdf

Professional Accreditation Plan Summary 2014-15 to 2019-20.pdf

The name of accreditors, program(s) it accredits, and year of next review are publicly available here:

5. Documents and URLs available to current and prospective students that show the most recent updated degree granting authority, charter, or license with an appropriate jurisdiction and the current accreditation status with other USDE recognized accrediting agencies

Institutional URL available to current and prospective students: 

Relevant Aguadilla Campus Accrediting Agencies Campus website 





6. Report from State or other accreditor if institution has been found noncompliant (including institutional response) within the last five years

Not Applicable


Criterion #3 – UIAPR Aguadilla has not been found noncompliant with any accrediting agencies.

  1. Written Arrangements

Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. List of current written agreements, including the name of third-party and educational program(s) involved, and date of Commission approval

Not Applicable

2. Documents and/or URLs available to current and prospective students that describe written arrangements including: the name of the educational program(s) involved; the portion of the educational program not provided by the institution; the name and location of the other unaccredited or ineligible third party providers; and the method of delivery and estimated additional costs of that portion of the program

Not Applicable


IAUPR Aguadilla Campus does not have written agreements with third-party and education programs.

8. Assignment of Credit Hour


Evidence to Demonstrate Compliance:

1. Policy and procedures for assignment of credit hour for all types of courses, disciplines, programs, credential levels, formats, regardless of modality). Include the URL and any other location where the documents are disclosed to students and the public

Guidelines for Curriculum Development at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico- Page 2

Office of Curriculum Affairs

Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2021-2022

Credit Hour

General Catalog 2021-2022

Credit Hour

Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Credit Hour

2. Course or program review procedures and sample approval documentation, as they relate to credit hour

Guidelines for the Review and Evaluation of single and shared Academic Programs at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico – Page 19

Office of Curriculum Affairs

3. Process the institution utilizes to verify length of academic period and compliance with credit hour requirements

Academic Years, Academic Calendars, Payment Periods and Disbursements-US Department of Education

Weblink for Campus Academic Calendars
Academic Calendars

Credit Hour Requirements

Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2021-2022 Certificate-Programs-Catalog-2021-2022/Academic- Norms-of-Compliance/Credit-Hours

General Catalog 2021-2022 Catalog-2021-2022/Academic-Norms-of- Compliance/Credit-Hours

Graduate Catalog 2021-2022 Catalog-2021-2022/Academic-Norms-of- Compliance/Credit-Hours

Guidelines for the Review and Evaluation of Single and Shared Academic Programs
Guidelines for the Review and Evaluation of single and shared Academic Programs at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico

Banner System
The length of the academic period and compliance with credit hour requirements is also verified through the institution’s Banner system.  Prior to the start of any given semester, course sections that will be programmed for the semester are entered into the Banner system.  This includes entering the course meeting days and times as well as the faculty who will teach each section.  This information is received by the student upon completion of course registration every semester and constitutes their official semester schedule.

Federal Student Aid Handbook