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Student Right-To-Know

Student Right-to-Know Act

Under the Federal Student Right To Know Act, institutions of higher education that administer and participate in federal Title IV funds are required to disclose certain information to current and prospective students as well as to provide information of students receiving athletically related student aid. Namely, to provide graduation rate information for current and prospective students as well as student-athletes.  The Aguadilla Campus provides additional information that includes but is not limited to the Student Consumer Handbook related to student loans, academic programs, graduation and retention rates, the privacy of student records, health and safety, and financial aid information. 

De acuerdo a la Ley Federal sobre el Derecho a Saber (Student Right-to-Know), las instituciones de enseñanza superior que administran y participan en los fondos federales del Título IV están obligadas a revelar determinada información a los estudiantes actuales y futuros, así como a proporcionar información de los estudiantes que reciben ayudas estudiantiles relacionadas con el deporte. A saber, proveer información sobre la tasa de graduación para los estudiantes actuales y futuros, así como de la tasa de graduación de los estudiantes-deportistas.  El Recinto de Aguadilla provee información adicional que incluye pero no se limita al Manual del Estudiante Consumidor relacionado a préstamos estudiantiles, programas académicos, tasas de graduación y retención, la privacidad de los expedients estudiantiles, la salud y seguridad, e la información de ayuda económica. 

Información General / General Information:

Español English
Conoce el Recinto About Us
Logros de los estudiantes y Datos del Recinto Student Outcomes and Campus Fact Sheet
Acreditaciones Accreditations
Costos Costs
Professional Licensure Notifications Professional Licensure Notifications
Admisión estudiante de nuevo ingreso New Students Admission
Privacidad sobre la Información de los Estudiantes Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures for Protection of the Privacy of Consumer Information

  Secuenciales de los Programas Académicos / Academic Programs Courses Sequence

Español English
Secuencia Curricular de la Oferta Académica Academic Programs Course Sequences

  Salud y Seguridad / Health and Security:

Español English
Protocolo de clases en las modalidades presencial híbrida (Covid-19) Protocol for the Restarting of Classes in the Modalities Face-to-Face or Hybrid (Covid-19)
Manual de Prevencion sobre Uso y Abuso de Drogas, Bebidas Alcohólicas y Tabaco Prevention Manual on the Use and Abuse of Drusgs, Alcoholic Beverages, and Tobacco
Informe Anual de Seguridad Annual Security Report

  Asuntos Académico / Academic Affairs: Normas de Progreso Académico Satisfactorio / Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress:

Español English
Nivel Certificado Técnico Technical Certificate Level
Nivel Sub-Graduado Undergraduate Level
Nivel Graduado Graduate Level
Español English
Normativas sobre derechos de autor Copyright Guidelines and Regulations
Políticas y Normas sobre la protección de los derechos de los sujetos humanos que practican en proyectos de investigación Rules Regarding the Protection of Human Subjects in Research
Catálogo General en Línea Online General Catalog
Lista de Libros del Recinto Campus Book list

  Vida Estudiantil / Student Life:

Español English
Normas para atender situaciones de crisis provocadas por estudiantes que muestran señales o conducta atribuible a discapacidad psicológica  
Manual de Prevencion sobre Uso y Abuso de Drogas, Bebidas Alcohólicas y Tabaco Prevention Manual on the Use and Abuse of Drusgs, Alcoholic Beverages, and Tobacco
Código de conducta de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Inter American University of Puerto Rico Code of Conduct
Protocolo Institucional para el manejo del acoso escolar “bullying”  
Protocolo para el Manejo de Situaciones de Violencia Doméstica que afectan a los Estudiantes en las Unidades Académicas del Sistema Protocol for the Management of Domestic Violence Situations affecting Students in the Academic Units in the System
Guías, normas y procedimientos para atender solicitudes de modificaciones razonables a estudiantes Guidelines, rules and Procedures to Manage Students Requests for Reasonable Modifications
Normas y Procedimientos para atender alegadas violaciones a las disposiciones de Título IX Norms and Procedures to Address Alleged Violations to the Provisions of Title IX
Equity in Athletics 2023

  Reglamentos / Regulations:

Español English
Reglamento General del Estudiante General Student Regulations
Reglamento interno para atender querellas sobre uso y abuso de drogas y bebidas alcohólicas Internal Regulations for Handling Complaints Regarding the Use and Abuse of Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages
Normas para Regular el Fumar Rules to Regulate Smoking
Reglamento de Estudiantes Atletas Student-Athlete Regulations
Reglamentación sobre el directorio de estudiantes y ex alumnos (Ley FERPA) Student and Alumni Directory Regulations (FERPA ACT)
Normas para Atender, Evaluar y Conceder la Solicitud de Licencias para Ausentarse Standards for Handling, Evaluating, and Granting Leave of Absence Requests for Students

  Asistencia Económica / Financial Aid:

Español English
Manual de estudiante consumidor Student Consumer Handbook
Normas y procedimientos para atender alegadas violaciones a las disposiciones de Título IX Standards and Procedures for Addressing Alleged Violations of the Provisions of Title IX

  Telecomunicaciones y Redes / Telecommunications and Networks:

Español English
Normas y Procedimientos para el uso y manejo de la internet Rules and Procedures for the use and Management of the Internet
Guía y normas institucionales para el uso apropiado de la tecnología de información, los sistemas de información computarizados y las telecomunicaciones  Institutional Guidelines and Standards for The Appropriate Use of Information Technology, Computerized Information Systems, and Telecommunications
Normas y procedimientos para el uso y manejo del correo electrónico Rules for the Use and Handling of E-Mail
Normas y procedimientos para el uso y manejo de redes sociales Standards and Procedures for the Use And Management of Social Networks

  Acomodo Razonable para Estudiantes / Student Reasonable Accomodation:

Español English
Guías Normas y Procedimientos para atender Solicitudes de Acomodo Razonable a Estudiantes Guidelines, Rules, and Procedures to Attend Requests of Reasonable Accommodation to Students
Acceder para más información Click for more information

  Querellas de los Estudiantes / Student Complaints

Español English
Manejo de Querellas de Estudiantes Students Complaints Management


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Campus Accreditations

The Aguadilla Campus of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico is accredited by:

  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education
    Inter American University of Puerto Rico- Aguadilla Campus is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) IAUPR-Aguadilla Campus accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on 2013 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

    1007 North Orange Street4th Floor, MB #166Wilmington, DE 19801

  • Board of Postsecondary Institutions of Puerto Rico

Also, the Aguadilla Campus belongs to the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), which is a non-profit organization that helps expand student access to educational opportunities and ensures a more efficient regulation, coherent and effective distance education programs.


Accredited and Reaccredited Programs:


Accredited/ Reaccredited 




BA in Education:

  • BA in Early Childhood Education: Preschool Level 
  • BA in Early Childhood Education: Primary Elementary Level (K-3)  
  • BA in Education in Special Education 
  • BA in Secondary Education in Biology 
  • BA in Education in Spanish 
  • BA in Physical Education at the Elementary Level 
  • BA in Education at the Secondary Level 
  • BA in Teaching English as a Second Language at the Elementary Level 
  • BA in Teaching English as a Second Language at the Secondary Level 

Reaccreditation in 2022-2023 


(now CAEP) 

  • Associate of Science Degree in Nursing Science
  • Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing 



National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) now ACEN 

The Associate and Baccalaureate Nursing Programs at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico at the Aguadilla Campus located in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico are accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400,
Atlanta GA, 30326
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Baccalaureate Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at
  • BA Trabajo Social 



Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 

  • Continuing Education




  • INTERTec

Lincense V50-10 


Board of Postsecondary Institutions of Puerto Rico


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About Us

Campus History

Centro Informática y Telecomunicaciones

The Aguadilla Campus of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico began its work as an auxiliary center for the San Germán Campus in 1957, in the old Aguadilla High School. In 1960, it relocated its facilities and began to offer secretarial and business administration courses, as well as the two-year study program to obtain the Normal Teacher Certificate. In 1965 it became a Regional College and in 1985 it inaugurated the structural complex at the Aguadilla Calero Sector. Then, in 1991 it became a Campus, through a resolution approved by the Board of Trustees.

Our academy began an upward development becoming one of the most prestigious university campuses and one of the greatest contributions to the social, economic and cultural growth of the western area. The Aguadilla Campus offers the student body and the surrounding communities the opportunity to participate in activities that enrich our town life.
In 2002, the construction of the Information and Telecommunications Center was completed, providing the university community with opportunities to use technology as part of their personal and professional development.

With a progressive vision in the field of higher education, Distance Education Office was established in 2007, to integrate online courses that are dynamic, agile and effective, for students with various personal and professional responsibilities.



The mission of the Aguadilla Campus of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico is the integral formation of its students, through an education of excellence, within an ecumenical Christian context, at all levels of formal education, with an emphasis on ethical, civic, democratic and Christian values.

Graduates are expected to possess extensive scientific, humanistic, and technical knowledge. Likewise, that they are trained for the critical analysis of reality. They will develop as responsible individuals, committed to the environment, at the service of an interdependent, pluralistic and global community, and capable of adapting to change.

In keeping with this purpose, academic areas will be strengthened, giving special attention to interdisciplinary education, distance education in its virtual component, with national and international scope and projection, and the integration of technology in all areas of knowledge. These will be developed through an articulated management of institutional operations and resources, in accordance with political, economic, social, technological, environmental and cultural changes, within a universal context.


  • Promote a positive and stimulating university environment that contributes to the integral formation of students, the full development of human resources and the practice of ethical and democratic values ​​in a Christian-ecumenical framework.
  • Provide a holistic education for the development of graduates with adequate oral and written communication skills, capable of proper performance in the social, cultural and professional sphere, respectful of human beings and nature.
  • Provide an updated academic offer at all levels of formal education, in face-to-face and distance modalities, that responds to the aspirations of the student population and the needs of the community.
  • Facilitate the training and professional development of the faculty by fostering their commitment to academic excellence.
  • Promote creativity and research to strengthen the quality of teaching, knowledge creation, curriculum innovation and support teaching-learning activities.
  • Seek greater efficiency and effectiveness in teaching, in student support services and university management, in accordance with institutional regulations, the use of technology and the development of human resources.
  • Promote the implementation and participation in community projects and cooperative education programs, in collaboration with public and private entities, that contribute to updating the academic offer and stimulate the initiative and student leadership.

Institutional Christian-ecumenical Values ​

  • We believe in God as Supreme Being
  • we believe in Jesus
  • We believe in Life
  • We believe in Family
  • We believe in Service
  • We believe in the Identity of the Christian Faith Community
  • We believe in Commitment to Our Neighbor
  • We believe in Integral Education
  • We believe in the Study of the Christian Religion

ChancellorChancellor’s Message

The Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus, represents the best private educational alternative in the country. Through the years, our Institution has served the community of the northwest area with quality and professionalism. It has an excellent and committed faculty. Its varied academic offer, the financial aid it provides, the latest technological infrastructure and the constant support for our student community make our Campus the best academic alternative in the northwest area.

At the Inter Aamerican University we are one big family. We invite you to be part of it.

Dr. Élie Agésilas, Chancellor
Inter Aguadilla


Postal Address:
PO Box 20000
Aguadilla, PR 00605

Phisical Address:
Road PR-459 Int. 463
Bo. Corales Sector Calero
Aguadilla, PR 00605

Main: (787) 891-0925
Enrollment Management: (787) 931-0931
University Guard: (787) 931-0837

GPS Coordinates:
Latitude=18.467642, Longitude= -67.122962
(Latitude=18.468N, Longitude= 67.123W)

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Reaffirmation of Accreditation with MSCHE

Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)

About Middle States

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) provides accreditation for degree granting Institutions of Higher Education in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any other areas within and outside of the United States.

MSCHE makes sure that institutions meet the Standards for Accreditation and fulfill the Requirements of Affiliation while ensuring that the institutional mission and goals align to the Standards for Accreditation in order to achieve academic excellency.  The process of maintaining excellency is a continuous one and all institutions of higher education must reaffirm their commitment and compliance to the Standards of Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation every eight years with various review points during the eight-year period.

Reaffirmation begins with a well-designed self-study process that is guided by a Steering Committee that is representative of the university and its students.  Working groups are assigned to each of the seven Standards for Accreditation and are charged with conducting a thorough analysis of the University’s mission, goals, academic offerings, services, programs, and facilities to evaluate compliance and excellency.  The self-study analysis culminates with an Institutional Self-Study Report and a campus visit by academics and administrators from other institutions who review the Self-Study Report and provided evidence in order to recommend reaffirmation of accreditation to the Middle States Commission on Accreditation.

Campus Accreditation History

Inter Aguadilla

Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus, is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla Campus’s accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on June 27, 2013 was to reaffirm accreditation.

MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the US Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Standards for Accreditation

Standard I – Mission and Goals

The institution’s mission defines its purpose within the context of higher education, the students it serves, and what it intends to accomplish. The institution’s stated goals are clearly linked to its mission and specify how the institution fulfills its mission.

Standard II – Ethics and Integrity

Ethics and integrity are central, indispensable, and defining hallmarks of effective higher education institutions. in all activities, whether internal or external, an institution must be faithful to its mission, honor its contracts and commitments, adhere to its policies, and represent itself truthfully.

Standard III – Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience

An institution provides students with learning experiences that are characterized by rigor and coherence at all program, certificate, and degree levels, regardless of instructional modality. All learning experiences, regardless of modality, program pace/schedule, level, and setting are consistent with higher education expectations.

Standard IV – Support of the Student Experience

Across all educational experiences, settings, levels, and instructional modalities, the institution recruits and admits students whose interests, abilities, experiences, and goals are congruent with its mission and educational offerings. The institution commits to student retention, persistence, completion, and success through a coherent and effective support system sustained by qualified professionals, which enhances the quality of the learning environment, contributes to the educational experience, and fosters student success.

Standard V – Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution’s mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.

Standard VI – Planning, Resources, and Institution Improvement

The institution’s planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals, to continuously assess and improve its programs and services, and to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.

Standard VII – Governance, Leadership, and Administration

The institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its students, and the other constituencies it serves. Even when supported by or affiliated with governmental, corporate, religious, educational system, or other unaccredited organizations, the institution has education as its primary purpose, and it operates as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.

Requirments of Affiliation

To be eligible for, to achieve, and to maintain Middle States Commission on Higher Education accreditation, an institution must demonstrate that it fully meets the following Requirements of Affiliation. Compliance is expected to be continuous and will be validated periodically, typically at the time of institutional self-study and during any other evaluation of the institution’s compliance. Once eligibility is established, an institution then must demonstrate on an ongoing basis that it meets the Standards for Accreditation.

  1. The institution is authorized or licensed to operate as a postsecondary educational institution and to award postsecondary degrees; it provides written documentation demonstrating both. Authorization or licensure is from an appropriate governmental organization or agency within the Middle States region (Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), as well as by other agencies as required by each of the jurisdictions, regions, or countries in which the institution operates.
    Institutions that offer only postsecondary certificates, diplomas, or licenses are not eligible for accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
  2. The institution is operational, with students actively enrolled in its degree programs.
  3. For institutions pursuing Candidacy or Initial Accreditation, the institution will graduate at least one class before the evaluation team visit for initial accreditation takes place, unless the institution can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the lack of graduates does not compromise its ability to demonstrate that students have achieved appropriate learning outcomes.
  4. The institution’s representatives communicate with the Commission in English, both orally and in writing.
  5. The institution complies with all applicable government (usually Federal and state) laws and regulations.
  6. The institution complies with applicable Commission, interregional, and inter-institutional policies. These policies can be viewed on the Commission website,
  7. The institution has a mission statement and related goals, approved by its governing board, that defines its purposes within the context of higher education.
  8. The institution systematically evaluates its educational and other programs and makes public how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes.
  9. The institution’s student learning programs and opportunities are characterized by rigor, coherence, and appropriate assessment of student achievement throughout the educational offerings, regardless of certificate or degree level or delivery and instructional modality.
  10. Institutional planning integrates goals for academic and institutional effectiveness and improvement, student achievement of educational goals, student learning, and the results of academic and institutional assessments.
  11. The institution has documented financial resources, funding base, and plans for financial development, including those from any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership) adequate to support its educational purposes and programs and to ensure financial stability. The institution demonstrates a record of responsible fiscal management, has a prepared budget for the current year, and undergoes an external financial audit on an annual basis.
  12. The institution fully discloses its legally constituted governance structure(s) including any related entities (including without limitation systems, religious sponsorship, and corporate ownership). The institution’s governing body is responsible for the quality and integrity of the institution and for ensuring that the institution’s mission is being accomplished.
  13. A majority of the institution’s governing body’s members have no employment, family, ownership, or other personal financial interest in the institution. The governing body adheres to a conflict of interest policy that assures that those interests are disclosed and that they do not interfere with the impartiality of governing body members or outweigh the greater duty to secure and ensure the academic and fiscal integrity of the institution. The institution’s district/system or other chief executive officer shall not serve as the chair of the governing body.
  14. The institution and its governing body/bodies make freely available to the Commission accurate, fair, and complete information on all aspects of the institution and its operations. The governing body/bodies ensure that the institution describes itself in comparable and consistent terms to all of its accrediting and regulatory agencies, communicates any changes in accredited status, and agrees to disclose information (including levels of governing body compensation, if any) required by the Commission to carry out its accrediting responsibilities.
  15. The institution has a core of faculty (full-time or part-time) and/or other appropriate professionals with sufficient responsibility to the institution to assure the continuity and coherence of the institution’s educational programs.

Steering Committee Members

The following are the members of the Steering Committee that will guide this process.

Steering Committee Membership
Name Titles
Dr. Irma Sandoval-Arocho Steering Committee Chair

Associate Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department

Dr. Gricel Ruiz Steering Committee Co-chair

Assistant Professor, Science and Technology Department

Prof. Dolores Sepúlveda Director, Development and Alumni Office
Prof. Lizzie Colón Director, Center for Information Access (Library)
Prof. Nararly Claudio Dean of Students
Dr. Bernabé Soto Director, Distance Education and Internationalization Office
Prof. Ligia González Assistant Professor, Economic and Administrative Sciences Department
Prof. María Pérez Registrar
Prof. Yesenia González Assistant Professor, Health Sciences Department
Prof. Elidine González Assistant Professor, Economic & Administrative Sciences Department
Dr. Gladys Varela Assistant Professor, Graduate Studies Department
Dr. Jorge Agudo Assistant Professor, Science and Technology Department
Arelis Cruz Soto Student Representative
Dr. Élie Agésilas Chancellor (Ex-officio)
Dr. Evelyn Castillo Dean of Academic Affairs (Ex-officio)
Mr. Edwin Soto Dean of Administration (Ex-officio)

Working Group Members

The following faculty and administrative personnel comprise the working groups that will participate in the self-study analysis.

Standard 1:  Mission & Goals

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, innovation in Teaching, Community Engagement
Specific Charge:  To examine how our institutional mission defines our purpose within the context of higher education and our constituents and specify how our stated goals are clearly linked to our mission and fulfilled.
Working Group Members Titles
Prof. Samuel Rodríguez President

Assistant Professor, Science and Technology Department

Prof. Yesenia González Liaison to the Steering Committee

Assistant Professor,  Health Sciences Department

Prof. James Rivera Assistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department

Standard 2:  Ethics and Integrity

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, innovation in Teaching, Community Engagement
Specific Charge:  To demonstrate how we exemplify the hallmarks of an effective higher education institution that is faithful to its mission in all that we do and to examine how internal and external activities, policies, contracts, and commitments are bound by the ethics and integrity of our institution.
Working Group Members Titles
Prof. Alfonso Rodríguez President

Professional Counselor, Counseling Department

Prof. María Pérez Liaison to the Steering Committee, Registrar
Dr. Aidaliz Cabán Associate Professor, Graduate Studies Department
Prof. Aida Ruiz Instructor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department
Prof. Raúl Ruiz Assistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department

Standard 3:  Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, innovation in Teaching, Community Engagement
Specific Charge:  To examine how student learning experiences are consistent with higher education expectations and how they are characterized by rigor and coherence across all programs and modalities. 
Working Group Members Titles
Dr. Iris Aquino President

Associate Professor, Graduate Studies Department

Prof. Ligia González Liaison to the Steering Committee

Associate Professor,  Economic and Administrative Sciences Department

Prof. Yamillete Prosper Director, University Learning Center and Honors Program
Prof. Omayra Mercado Assistant Professor, Health Sciences Department
Prof. Nereida Ramos Director, Technical and Vocational Certificate Programs
Prof. Jessica Soto Assistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department

Standard 4:  Support of the Student Learning Experience

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, Innovation in Teaching, Community Engagement
Specific Charge:  To examine recruitment and admission processes to ensure they are congruent with our mission and educational offerings and to describe the support systems in place that enhance the quality of the learning environment, contributes to the educational experience, and fosters student success. 
Working Group Members Titles
Dr. Rocio Frau President

Associate Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences

Prof. Nararly Claudio Liaison to the Steering Committee

Dean of Students

Prof. Dary Acevedo Director, Counseling Center
Mrs. Jacqueline Torres Director, First Year Experience and Retention Office
Ms. Daisy Irizarry Coordinator, Office of Prospective Students
Prof. Sandra Suárez Instructor, Health Sciences Department
Prof. Nancy Acevedo Assistant Professor, Economic and Administrative Sciences Department

Standard 5:  Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, Innovation in Teaching
Specific Charge:   To demonstrate how student learning and achievement is assessed and determine how the educational goals of students are met and are consistent with their program of study, degree level, institutional mission, and appropriate as an institution of higher education.  
Working Group Members Titles
Dr. Zenaida Sanjurjo PresidentAssociate Dean of Academic Affairs
Prof. Elidine González Liaison to the Steering CommitteeAssessment Director

Assistant Professor, Economic and Administrative Sciences Department

Dr. Jorge Agudo Coordinator, Assessment for Academic ProgramsAssistant Professor, Science and Technology Department
Prof. Michelle Rivera Director, Education and Humanistic Studies Department
Prof. Janice Lorenzo Director, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department
Prof. Raúl Mendoza Director, Economic and Administrative Sciences Department
Dr. Lourdes Olavarría Director, Health Sciences Department
Prof. Alfredo Rivera Director, Science and Technology Department
Dr. Aris Román Director, Graduate Studies Department
Prof. Israel Méndez Statistician, Development and Alumni Office

Standard 6:  Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic Excellence, Sustainability, Innovation in Teaching
Specific Charge:  To examine how our planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and how they are sufficient to fulfill our mission and goals in order to continually assess and respond to opportunities and challenges.
Working Group Members Titles
Prof. Gustavo Sainz PresidentAssistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department
Dr. Gladys Varela Liaison to the Steering CommitteeAssistant Professor, Graduate Studies Department
Dr. Bernabé Soto Director, Distance Education and Internationalization Office
Prof. Yessenia Pérez Instructor, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department

Standard 7:  Governance, Leadership, and Administration

Institutional Priorities to be addressed:  Academic excellence, Sustainability, Community Engagement
Specific Charge:  To examine how the Aguadilla Campus of UIAPR is effectively governed and administered so as to fulfill our mission and goals while benefiting our constituents and explore how we maintain education as our primary purpose while operating with appropriate autonomy even when supported by or affiliated with other entities.
Working Group Members Titles
Dr. Sacha Ruiz PresidentAssistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department
Prof. Mabel Mangual Liaison to the Steering CommitteeAssistant Professor, Education and Humanistic Studies Department
Prof. Ricardo Badillo Assistant Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department
Prof. Miriam Marcial Enrollment and Service Manager
Prof. Japhet Rivera Assistant Professor, Economic and Administrative Sciences Department

The Steering Committee has devised the following Communication Plan to guide communication and ensure transparency throughout the self-study process. This includes updating key stakeholders and constituencies about major developments and details key moments for gathering feedback.

Communication Plan 


Intended Audiences 

Communication Methods 


To share data, documents and research results and communicate it in a secure, transparent, and convenient manner Steering Committee and Working Group Members Microsoft Office Suite & Microsoft Teams Fall year 2020 – Spring year 2023
To update campus constituencies about the Self-Study process Students Emails, Campus Webpage, social media pages, forums, Infographics Self-Study Design 

Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Self-Study Process 

Spring 2021-Spring 2023

Alumni Jotform Contacts, Campus Webpage,

Social media pages, forums

Self-Study Design  

Fall 2020-Spring 2021 

Self-Study Process 

Spring 2021-Spring 2023

Faculty Emails, Social media pages Forums, Faculty meetings Self-Study Design 

Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Self-Study Process 

Spring 2021-Spring 2023

Administration and Staff Emails, Forums, meetings Self-Study Design 

Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Self-Study Process 

Spring 2021-Spring 2023

Academic Senate Academic Senate Meetings Spring 2021- Spring 2023
General Community Campus Webpage, Social media page, Infographics Spring 2021 – Spring 2023
To gather feedback about Working Group reports Students Forums, Emails, Surveys Spring 2022-Fall 2022
Alumni Forums, Emails, Surveys Spring 2022-Fall 2022
Faculty Forums, Emails, Surveys Spring 2022-Fall 2023
Administration & Staff Forums, Emails, Surveys Spring 2022–Fall 2023
To gather feedback about the Final Self-Study Report Students Forums, Emails, Surveys Fall 2022
Alumni Forums, Emails, Surveys Fall 2022
Faculty Forums, Emails, Surveys Fall 2022
Administration & Staff Forums, Emails, Surveys Fall 2022
To publish results of the Final Self-Study Report Students, Alumni

Faculty, Administration & Staff

Campus Webpage, Forums, Emails Spring 2023
To inform constituents about the MSCHE Campus visit Students, Alumni, Faculty, Administration & Staff Campus Webpage, Emails Fall 2022-Spring 2023
To announce the MSCHE reaffirmation decision Students, Alumni

Faculty, Administration & Staff

Campus Webpage, Forums, Emails Fall 2023

Self-Study Timetable

The Self-Study Timetable highlights the major activities and tasks that will lead to the completion of the Final Self-Study Report and evaluation team visit in the Spring.

Date Activity/Task
August 2020 Steering Committee Chair, Co-Chair and members are appointed
October – November 2020 Select members participate in the MSCHE Self-Study Institute
October 2020 Steering Committee convenes and kick off meeting is held
January 2021 Conference Call with VP Liaison is held
January-March 2021 Prepare Self-Study Design
March 12, 2021 Final draft of Self-Study Design is completed
April 9, 2021 Submit Self Study Design to VP Liaison
April 23, 2021 Meeting to discuss Self-Study Design with the VP Liaison
August 2021 Working Groups convene
August 2021 – April 2022 Working Groups report to the Steering Committee
April 2022 Working Group Submit Final Reports to the Steering Committee
May 2022 Prepare Self-Study
November 2022 Final draft of Self-Study is completed
December 2022 Self-Study Report is finalized
January 2023 Self-Study Report is shared with the campus community
Spring 2023 Evaluation team visit to the campus

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Informes CARES Act.

CARES Act Reports:

Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, (CARES Act) and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, (CRRSAA)

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Servicios Virtuales

Lista de servicios en línea debido a la emergencia (COVID-19)

Servicios a Estudiantes y Facultad

Educación a Distancia Apoyo Técnico – Facultad
Lunes a Jueves
Horario: 11:00 AM -12:30 PM, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM & 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Educación a Distancia Apoyo – Estudiantes
Lunes a Sábados
8:00 AM a 12:00 – 1:00 PM a 5:00 PM

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Centro de Acceso a la Información (CAI)
Lunes a Viernes
Horario: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
8:00 AM  –  1:00 PM

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Tutorías Virtuales:

Centro Universitario de Aprendizaje

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Programa de Servicios Educativos

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Servicios a Estudiantes

Programa de Honor

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Consejería Profesional Servicios Educativos

Acceder a Sala Virtual

Servicios Estudiantes Upward Bound Math & Science

Acceder al Horario y Salas


Asistencia Económica

Acceder a Sala 1

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